Sunday, May 3, 2009

For The Love of God, Eat Something!

Why do women pick at their food when they eat in public? I find this so frustrating. I went to a luncheon the other day and realized that I was the only one eating my food. Not a huge meal -- a little soup, a green salad with chicken and a small chocolate dessert. I ate every last piece of lettuce on my main course and then noticed I was the only one that ate all my food. The chicken salad was good and the portion was not huge. Then it was time for desert. My friend even said to me, "This is my favorite dessert! This place is know for it." Did anyone eat all their dessert? Of course not. This time I gave into peer pressure and left a bit of my molten chocolate cake on my plate. I went home feeling insecure and hungry!

I enjoy a good meal, especially with good company. My family always mixes food with gatherings, as does the family I married into. I enjoy eating and although I'm not a size 2, I feel comfortable in my own skin. That is until I gather with other women in Suburbia and begin to question everything. My hair, my clothes, my makeup, my body, my eating habits.

After a little time and further reflection I realize that my feelings of inadequacy are ridiculous. I'm happy and healthy and eating the lunch that I paid for is okay. So if you're one of these women that picks at her food in public, please stop! Let's not create yet another generation of girls with eating disorders by modeling unhealthy behavior. Our daughters need to know that they're beautiful they way they are and can enjoy a nice dinner with family or friends without the fear of being judged if they eat with gusto. Yes, we want them to make healthy food choices but what we don't want is for them to be fearful of actually enjoying the food on their plate. So next time you're at a restaurant, take a big bite of your pasta and REALLY enjoy. It's okay. No one is going to gasp in horror at the fact that you're actually eating.

1 comment:

  1. As a woman that has dealt with EDs and body image issues her whole life, I cannot agree more with this post! Thank you!
